What is Begma 100?
Begma 100 is having sildenafil citrate as an active ingredient which provide relaxation to the blood vessels and provide good flow of blood to the penis so that a man who is suffering from erectile dysfunction will be able to hold and erection for longer duration of time.
Rewine Pharmaceutical which is the company from Surat, Gujarat manufacturers Begma 100 Online.
Most of the health care provider, pharmacist and doctor suggest the use of this medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men as it is one of the powerful medicine to cure a man from this problem.
Uses of the Begma 100
The main use of Begma 100 is treat a man from the problem of erectile dysfunction. Due to the presence of sildenafil citrate it works at it best to cure a men from this problem.
Apart from erectile dysfunction this medicine is also suggested to take if a man is suffering from hypertension or hyperplasia.
This medicine bring advance formula to provide intense orgasm to a man and also helps him to control premature ejaculation.
It is very important that one should get desired dose of this medicine to get himself treated from erectile dysfunction but at the same time it is also very important that he should take this medicine only after Consulting with his pharmacist or Health Care provider.
As doctor is an individual who is holding expertise in his field and that is why is able to give the right suggestion regarding the schedule of taking the right dose of Begma 100 Tablets.
To get more information regarding the dosage of this medicine you should check out construction mentioned in the label of the medicine’s packet.
Available Other Dosage:
Begma 150mg
Begma 200mg
Missed dose
One should not worry about the missed dose of this medicine as this medicine is intended to take before sexual intercourse.
It is very harmful to take the overdose of Begma 100. Taking the overdose of this medicine may cause serious side effects to once body.
If you may find out that you have taken the overdose of this medicine then in such a case you must rushed towards your doctor for seeking his is consultation so that he will be able to suggest right medication for you so that you will be able to over come from side effects caused by overdose of this medicine.
Before starting your medication with Begma 100, following precautions should be taken:
If your someone who is addicted towards alcohol then it is suggested to stop consuming alcohol as addiction of anything main ulta the effect of this medicine and you may not get the desired result as you want and not be able to get yourself treated from the problem of erectile dysfunction.
According to various research it has been find out that after consuming this medicine you may feel Drowsy and that may affect your alertness. So, various Health Care provider and physician suggested to not drive up to certain hours of consuming Begma 100 Pills as there is a chance of accident because of your drowsiness.
If you are having the history of any of the liver diseases then it is advisable to consult your doctor for the same as most of the physician advised to stop consuming this medicine as it may produce various side effects and also be able to make your liver disease even more severe.
If you are allergic to sildenafil citrate then avoid taking this medicine as it is having sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction.
This medicine is only intended for the use of men who are above the age of 18 years so this medicine cannot be used by children below the age of 18 years and also by women.
What are the side effects of Begma 100?
Buy Begma 100 Online medicine may also cause some side effects on your body depending upon your medical condition.
Although, you don’t required to panic much about these Side Effects as they disappear over time.
But if the side effects may last longer then it is advisable to contact your doctor for further treatment.
Some of the common side effects seen by using Begma 100 medicine including constipation,
- Blurred vision
- Dizziness
- Minor heart attack
- Asthma attacks
and many more
What happens if you take too much of Begma 100?
Taking too much or overdose of Begma 100 may cause serious side effects to your health.
By taking the extra dose of this medicine may cause various symptoms of side effects to your health and you may also suffer from negative effects and there is a possibility that your problem of erectile dysfunction may get even more severe.
Hence, it is advisable to take the prescribed dose of this medicine as suggested by your physician and health care provider.
How to take Begma 100?
Buy Begma 100 is intended to take through oral conception only.
Most of the doctor advised to take this medicine in an empty stomach. Take it with a glass of water at scheduled time suggested by your physician.
It is very important that you store Begma 100 medicine properly at room temperature to safeguard itself from external environment.
You should place this medicine at a secret place away from the reach of pets and children.
What are the common drug interactions?
There is a chance that your ongoing medicine may interact differently with this medicine hence you should tell your doctor about all your ongoing medication.
This is important to do so because a physician is an expert who having knowledge regarding the interaction of these medicine and on the basis of his expertise he may suggest the right medication for you to get yourself treated from the problem of erectile dysfunction.
Some of the common drug interactions include dapoxetine, vardenafil, nitrates, fluoxetine, Paracetamol, tadalafil and many more.
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