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    Return and Refund

    Return and Refund

    You as the customer own the right to cancel your order even when you have got your delivery. We ask you to please check out this section before placing your orders to avoid any misconceptions and disputes later.

    What are the basic terms and conditions for return and refund?

    The customer has to initiate the return and refund request

    The customer must find and point out any reason valid reason as noted below for which they want a return and refund. The request for a return and refund ash to be always initiated by the customers.

    How can you place a return and refund order?

    You can place a return and refund order by visiting Cenforcepills. You got to visit the return and refund tab and then follow the directions specified therein to place the order. Subsequently what else you can do is call our helpline number to place a return and refund order.

    What are the probable causes of a return and refund?

    There can be various causes due to which you want a return and refund from us. Some of the most probable causes are-

    • The customer finds a wrong product or a different brand or dosage of medicines has been shipped to them.
    • They find the order no more useful and worthy of meeting their needs.
    • They find out that somehow the seal of the product is broken or the signs that the product has been tampered with.
    • The customer does not have the need anymore.
    • The customer has already bought the product of a rival brand.
    • Any other reasons for which the customer is not happy with our services or features of the product.

    What is the maximum limit after delivery for asking for a product return?

    Of course, after delivery, you are given a maximum time frame of 7 days in which to place your return and refund order.

    Remember that this time frame also includes Sundays and holidays. The date starts from the date at which you get the delivery at your doorstep.

    Any delay in placing the return and refund order even for exigency situations and emergencies will not be entertained once you enter the eighth day.

    What is the mode of getting back your refund?

    All return and refund orders will be refunded back to you via online payment mode only. We do not provide any other means for refunding back your money.

    For getting back your refund you got to provide us valid details of a bank account number and all other details.

    Once the refund has been made for our end the customer must check if the refund has been processed by the bank.

    Once we have done your refund you will be getting an email from us stating all your details such as the amount of refund and expected refund date or time.

    Can we cancel your return and refund order?

    Of course, we reserve the right to cancel your return and refund order in some cases. We reserve the ultimate right to accept or reject your return and refund order and you cannot hold us liable in any way on this. Our decision in this regard stands final and has to be accepted by the customer.

    We will send a delivery executive for collecting back the product for reshipping it back. But the delivery executive is entitled for doing some basic searching and questioning the customer to find out whether they have tampered with the product or used it in any way.

    In such cases, we will not accept the product for return and refund.